Sustainable development and architectural innovation: lessons from the cajueiro seco housing project in recife


Cajueiro Seco
Sustainable development

How to Cite

Tavares de Lima, M. C., De Benedicto, S. C., Ricardo Siani, S., & Jacintho Bittencourt, J. (2022). Sustainable development and architectural innovation: lessons from the cajueiro seco housing project in recife. Life Style, 9(00), e01474.


The project and construction of the housing complex in Cajueiro Seco, carried out in Recife during 1963 and 1964, garnered significant attention due to its innovative approach, encompassing urban reform, participatory practices, technological progress, and appreciation of regional characteristics. Despite being interrupted by the military coup in 1964, it is still regarded as an unparalleled experience from an architectural perspective, especially within the context of Brazilian modern architecture. Although this project took place before the term "sustainable development" was commonly used, various sustainability aspects can be identified when analyzed through the lens of the sustainability dimensions theory developed by the Polish economist Ignacy Sachs. This study aims to understand these relationships through a qualitative, bibliographical, exploratory, and descriptive approach, with the ultimate goal of highlighting the contributions of this experience to sustainability.

The results indicate that several aspects of the project, when viewed through the sustainability lens, can significantly contribute to the concept of Sustainable Development and serve as a reference for more sustainable urban and architectural projects. The study concludes by recognizing that a project of this nature can generate multiple benefits for the involved population, the surrounding community, the local economy, the environment, local culture, and politics.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Mayara Christy Tavares de Lima, Samuel Carvalho De Benedicto, Sérgio Ricardo Siani, Josias Jacintho Bittencourt


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