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How to Cite

Porto, E., Pimentel, T. de O., Bernardes, F. A., Camargo, A. C., & Kumpel, C. (2020). EFFECTS OF NON-SPECIFIC PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OVER BODY BALANCE IN ELDERLY: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY. Life Style, 6(2), 73–82. https://doi.org/10.19141/2237-3756.lifestyle.v6.n2.p73-82


Introduction - One of the main factors limiting daily activities of the elderly individual is the alteration of the body balance, since it imposes fear of falls, inactivity and important functional losses. Objective - To retrospectively evaluate body balance in elderly subjects that practice physical activity for 36 months. Methods - The study was carried out by consulting patient records of seniors of a minimum of 60 years old that have been submitted to the body balance evaluation in the last three years at the João da Luz Specialties Center in the municipality of São Lourenço da Serra since 2011 and participated of the physical exercise program of the same center. All patients of this center went through a complete body balance evaluation by means of the following tests: BERG scale, Timed UP and GO (TUG), Poma Oriented Performance, Lawton Test and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Results – In the 82 patients that were evaluated, the balance was significantly better in the evaluation after 36 months compared with the basal assessment for the elderly group that practiced walking; whereas between the patients with hypertension and diabetes, no significant difference was found in the balance tests during follow-up. Conclusion – Physical inactivity deteriorates the balance of the elderly. In addition to that, it can be affirmed that diseases as hypertension and diabetes did not modify the balance of the individuals over the follow-up.

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