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Passive smoking
Smoking at home
Smoking in the workplace

How to Cite

Da Silva, B. V., Pôrto, E., Kümpel, C., & de Castro, A. A. M. (2019). INCIDENCE OF PASSIVE SMOKERS IN THE SÃO PAULO REGION. Life Style, 6(1), 24–30.


Introduction: Passive smoking is the cause of 2,655 every year in Brazil. Objective: To evaluate, through the VIGITEL studies, between 2009 and 2016, the prevalence of passive smoking in the city of São Paulo, at home and at work, in relation to age, sex and schooling. Methods: This is a nominal quantitative study. The research consisted of a group analysis of the data from the VIGITEL studies, from 2009 to 2016, on the aspects of passive smoking in the region of São Paulo. Results: women's passive proportion of smokers are greater than the proportion of men over time. The percentage of passive smoking has been decreasing every year. The proportion of passive smokers between 18 and 34 years of age is higher relative to other ages, as well as students in the age group of 9 to 12 years. Those with higher schooling are less exposed to passive smoking in the workplace, as well as at home. Conclusion: the prevalence of passive smoking has been falling over the years, with women, children and individuals with lower education levels being more exposed.
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