Assessment of Direct Water Reuse Practices in Brazilian Sewage Treatment Plants: Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals


Water reuse
Water scarcity
Sustainable development
Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs)
Sanitation framework

How to Cite

Anício, S. de O., Bega, J. M. M., & Malheiros, T. F. (2022). Assessment of Direct Water Reuse Practices in Brazilian Sewage Treatment Plants: Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals. Life Style, 9(00), e01452.


Purpose: This study evaluates the direct reuse of treated effluent in Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in Brazil, using data from the 2017 National Basic Sanitation Survey (NBSS). It aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the new legal framework for sanitation in the country.

Method: The study comprehensively analyzes data from the 2017 NBSS to assess the prevalence of direct water reuse practices in STPs across Brazil. Employing a quantitative approach, the research aims to gain insights into the current state of direct water reuse.

Originality/Relevance: This research adds value to the existing literature by providing an up-to-date and comprehensive evaluation of direct water reuse practices in Brazil. It highlights the relevance of these practices in relation to sustainable development goals and the legal framework for sanitation.

Results: The findings indicate that direct water reuse practices are still in their early stages in Brazil, despite existing regulatory laws. The utilization of treated effluent from STPs for activities specified in the legislation remains relatively low across different regions [South (0.9%), Southeast (4.5%), North (2.3%), Northeast (4.7%), and Midwest (1.8%)].


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Sabrina de Oliveira Anício, João Miguel Merces Bega, Tadeu Fabrício Malheiros


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