Assessment of maternal knowledge about food introduction
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Feeding Methods
Food Preservation
Child Nutrition
Infant Nutrition
Child Nutritional Physiological Phenomena

How to Cite

Domingos, E., Teles, K., & Zunta, R. (2023). Assessment of maternal knowledge about food introduction. Life Style, 10(00), e1575.


Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of mothers of children up to two years of age about how and when to start the introduction of solid foods.

Method: quantitative field study, with a descriptive focus. Data were collected through an online questionnaire disseminated through social networks, reaching a total of 43 mothers. Data collection took place between September and November 2022.

Results: mothers consider that the ideal period to introduce food is from 6 months (93%), the early introduction of food can cause intestinal problems (65.1%), the first foods to be offered are fruits and vegetables (95.3%), and the best way to offer food is all together on the same plate without mixing (88.4%).

Conclusion: the results show that mothers have knowledge about the period of food introduction. Knowledge is essential for the practice to occur correctly, however, there are several factors associated with good practice.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2024 Ellen Domingos, Keren Teles, Raquel Zunta


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