Lifestyle habits and comorbidities associated with breast cancer
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Breast cancer

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Porto, E. F., Bólico Ferreira, G. B. D. C., Veloso, A. B. N., Lopes, L. R., Teodoro, L. S., & Ferracioli Pôrto , A. M. J. (2022). Lifestyle habits and comorbidities associated with breast cancer. Life Style, 9(00), e1601.


Introduction: Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the world (second only to non-melanoma skin cancer) and is the most common among women, with its incidence and mortality increasing over time.

Objectives: to evaluate the profile of women with breast cancer and the influence of comorbidities on the clinical worsening of the disease.

Methods: this is a cross-sectional study, in which the medical records of 102 women with breast cancer were evaluated. The sample was distributed into groups according to the histological severity of the disease. The frequency of comorbidity associated with cancer was evaluated according to the histological type of the tumor.

Results: The 102 participants in this study were distributed for this analysis according to the histological type of the tumor. Twenty participants had tumors classified as luminal A, 35 as luminal B, 19 as hybrid, 10 as HER 2 and 17 as basal-like/triple negative. late clinical staging associated with arterial hypertension as the most frequent variable, followed respectively by smoking, obesity, positive family history of cancer and diabetes mellitus.

Conclusion: Breast cancer is closely related to arterial hypertension, tobacco use, obesity and family history. It was also possible to verify that breast cancer with more severe histological characteristics is linked to younger women and smokers.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Elias Ferreira Porto, Greetchen Borges De Campos Bólico Ferreira, Aline Borburema Neves Veloso, Lucilia Rocha Lopes, Leandro Silva Teodoro, Ana Maria Jora Ferracioli Pôrto


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