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hospitalar humanization
humaniza sus

How to Cite

Ferreira, V. C., Filoni, E., & Alves, V. L. dos S. (2021). PERCEPTION ABOUT NURSING HUMANIZATION IN A PUBLIC HOSPITAL. Life Style, 7(2), 27–33.


This article aims to analyze the knowledge of a nursing team about the process of humanization in a public hospital. A qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional study was performed with 29 volunteers from the nursing team of a public hospital in the State of Minas Gerais. All participants participated in an interview and answered a semi-structured questionnaire with the questions built from the guidelines recom-mended by the Humanization Manual. Most of the interviewees know some concepts about humanization, but they do not appropriate all the interpretations of the humanization program and continue to perform the service intuitively. Knowledge about humanization from the perspective of the nursing team is empirical and does not understand the vision of the national humanization program as a tool capable of guaranteeing a hospital environment.
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